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Mass Effect 3 Best Bonus Power: Everything You Need to Know About the Additional Skill Feature


However, in Mass Effect 3, Shepard is not restricted to the abilities they have from the start, as they can add another one during the game. The Commander can get the extra bonus power by interacting with a bed in the Normandy's Med Bay. Yet, before they can pick the best skills, they need to unlock them, and here is how to do it.

Updated September 23, 2021, by Ben Jessey: Mass Effect 3 is a long game, so a lot of players might find that in the later stages, they're getting tired of using the same abilities. That's why the chance to select an additional skill is such a treat. But the decision of which to pick is oftendifficult, as there is no true best bonus power. Instead, there are a group of strong ones, and any of them can be considered the greatest. A few of them were left off of our list previously, so this article has been updated to add them in, giving players a few more options.

Mass Effect 3 Best Bonus Power

It's only possible to get this power if Kaidan is alive in the player's save. If the guy is still standing, Shepard can talk to him after he rejoins the Normandy after Priority: The Citadel II. Once the conversation is over, players will receive perhaps the best bonus power.

Those hit with Dark Channel take consistent biotic damage, and if they die before the power's duration is over, another enemy gets infected with it. However, the best part about the ability is its use in biotic explosions. Anyone suffering from the effects of Dark Channel is already primed for a power combo, so just hit them with a detonator ability to initiate their destruction. Therefore the power is most useful for those with biotic talents.

Getting Dark Channel requires one of the best DLCs in the series, From Ashes, which is also a part of the Legendary Edition. Then players have to wait until they complete the mission where Shepard visits a fake Cerberus Sanctuary (Priority: Horizon). Afterward, they can talk to Javik to unlock the power.

As it's named Flare, player would be forgiven for thinking this is a power that blinds people with bright lights, but that's not the case. It's actually a biotic projectile that Shepard can throw at enemies, which explodes on contact. The power causes a lot of damage, plus it can be used to set off biotic explosions to make it even more useful. Its only real downside is its long recharge time, but that shouldn't be a problem for classes that aren't weighed down by many weapons (which lowers recharge speed). In fact, the Flare is among the best choices for anyone with an Adept build.

There are some great guns in the series, but they can be improved with some special ammo types. Warp ammo does plenty of damage to barriers, armor, and enemies who are lifted in the air with biotics. It's a good, solid bonus power that's useful for any class.

Shields are one of the main things keeping Shepard alive throughout the game. Once those go down, the hero becomes very vulnerable, especially on harder difficulties. Defense Matrix is a very helpful power because it restores shields and gives the user extra protection. It's a good choice of bonus power for most classes.

As Energy Drain is a fantastic power, it's fitting that one of the game's best companions, Tali, provides players with it. To make it available, Shepard needs to complete the Priority: Perseus Veil mission, then invite Tali up to their quarters.

For starters, the appeal of using powers like Singularity and Pull is to set up Biotic explosions on enemies. However, those powers aren't effective against protected enemies. Luckily, Stasis will allow players to set up these destructive combos with any foe. Progressing with Stasis Bubble upon leveling up this power will give players the ability to get the crowd control and combo set up that they would be looking for with any other power. Additionally, Dark Channel is a decent option for those who wish to line up combos on multiple foes.

For those who want a more rounded experience as an Adept rather than maximizing a Biotic combo build, Reave or Warp Ammo will give players access to press on more aggressively when pinned down. Specifically, Reave deals damage over time like Warp while also supplying a damage reduction bonus that dwarfs the effectiveness of Barrier. Otherwise, Warp Ammo will aid adepts in dealing damage to enemies without using up power and waiting for it to recharge.

Just as useful for Adepts and other classes in this article, Warp Ammo not only gives this class an ammo-type power-up, it also deals greater damage to a wider variety of enemies as opposed to Armor-Piercing Ammo. On a similar front, Inferno Grenade will give a class bereft of a grenade option an effective weapon against enemies who wander a little too close. Which will deal a great amount of damage, and set up a tech combo. Except when leveling up this ability, players should monitor the blast radius of the grenade to best suit this power to their needs. Carnage will also be ideal for setting up attacks with other powers like Overload.

On a more defensive note, Engineers might want to consider Defense Matrix. While this power will cost players who wish to use a powers-focused build, it gives the player a substantial bonus in damage reduction and shield regeneration. So to make up for its long recharge cooldown it would be wise to set up either Sentry Turrets or Combat Drones to give your Engineer room to breathe.

For this class, the best way to enhance the combat experience of a Soldier is to give them the option to deal with shielded enemies, with Energy Drain, or invest in staying power. Even more than the Vanguard, this class will benefit from any shielding ability.

In defense of not using other abilities more suited for other classes, such as Stasis or Reave, the Soldier class does not have Tech or Biotic powers to truly maximize the potential damage that those powers can set up. Inclusively, the Soldier class has access to every other ammo type, so using Warp or Armor-Piercing Ammo would be redundant. So for maximum effectiveness for this straightforward class, investing in the Soldier's strengths is recommended.

From: Strykerr85 #005Adept's best bonus power imo is Energy Drain (learned from Tali). Shields are an Adepts only weakness, and Energy Drain destroys shields extremely quick, plus it boosts your own shield too, so its almost like a life-tap sort of ability.

If you plan to tank it up with Tech Armor, focus on Fitness as well to make yourself as hard to kill as possible, ignore weight restrictions, and gun everyone down. Even compared to the Soldier this is low-maintenance as you don't need to spam Adrenaline Rush. Due to limits on power points, this build works best with a fresh Mass Effect 3 character rather than one imported from a previous game, or one who has free run of the Normandy and can reset their powers.

The second way returns to the original Mass Effect playstyle: eschewing Tech Armor for emphasis on your other powers. You can easily stun and kill light enemies with a maxed-out Overload, or by chaining Warp and Throw. The core of this build is versatility: the Sentinel can stand back and use Overload, Warp and (now) a sniper rifle to ruin shields, armor and health in rapid succession. You can single-handedly execute a Biotic Explosion by combining Warp and Throw -- each of which can also detonate Overload for a Tech Burst, and Cryo Blast for a Cryo Explosion. Additionally, a Tech Burst followed by a Biotic Explosion can be performed in only three attacks by chaining Overload, Warp, and Throw. The Sentinel is the only class capable of achieving this without bonus powers or assistance from squadmates.

Throw is best used as an offensive knock-back tool to dislodge enemies from cover and for detonating biotic source powers like Warp. The Recharge Combo evolution at rank 5 is very useful for Sentinels, as it mitigates the cooldown penalty from Tech Armor. This is doubly true for Sentinels equipped with a heavier loadout. With this evolution and a biotic squadmate, Throw becomes a power that can be used liberally. Choosing the Detonate evolution instead is one half of the strongest biotic detonation available in single-player mode. Though each of the rank 5 evolutions only apply to Biotic Explosions, Throw can be used to detonate all types of Power Combos.

Warp is at the center of the Sentinel's unique ability to chain Power Combos (without bonus powers or assistance from squadmates) due to its ability to detonate a Tech Burst and prime a Biotic Explosion in a single use: casting Overload, Warp, and Throw in succession will devastate shielded enemies even on Insanity. The entire combo is further enhanced if the Expose evolution is chosen for Warp and the Detonate evolution is chosen for both biotic powers.

Being a passive power, it focuses mainly on increasing power and weapon damage, but, for Caster-style Sentinels, it also offers valuable weight capacity bonuses. Offensive Mastery is unique among passive class powers due to containing an evolution that cancels recharge times 15% of the time. While it doesn't happen very often, it can be a huge boon when it does.

Coupling a defense-specialized Tech Armor with Defense Matrix is a smart way to survive the more difficult encounters in the game - it is effectively a second, slightly weaker Tech Armour that stacks. However, Defense Matrix gives you the option of detonating it to restore a portion of your shields, further increasing your survivability. For Sentinels who prefer to Tank and don't care about cooldowns, this is possibly the best choice. 2ff7e9595c

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